
Training and coaching for parents who have children with behavioural difficulties.

We use video therapy intervention. Particularly useful since the Covid 19 global Pandemic. Training includes Keena Cummins - VERVE and Michael Palin Centre London - Parent Chid Interaction Therapy (PCIT); these are just some of the evidence based strategies used.

We are able to offer a variety of training courses to school staff and nursery staff to meet the needs of children who have speech, language and communication needs. This training can be either specific to the child's needs or generic to suit the needs of all children in the class and therefore benefit the whole class. A few examples of training courses include:

  • (Andy Bondy, PhD, and Lori Frost, MS, CCC-SLP) Picture exchange communication system (Pecs)
  • Training from (Gina Davies) Attention Autism
  • (LeGoff et al 2014) - Lego Therapy an evidence based approach that aims to develop social communication skills in autistic children, such as sharing, turn-taking, following rules, using names and problem-solving.

We are able to offer training in Cued Articulation to Parents, school and nursery staff.

Training and ideas to staff to help to resolve challenges at school with regards to children who have learning difficulties, Selective Mutism, Autism, PDA, ADHD, ADD and Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).

Please contact me on 07747 604939 to discuss your requirements as I have experience within many areas.

Advice and assessments for adults who have :

  • Selective Mutism
  • Anxiety
  • Stammering
  • Voice problems/disorders
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder, (DCD or Dyspraxia)
  • Pathogical Demand Avoidance (PDA)
  • Autism (ASD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Difficulties saying sounds- e.g. lisp or lateral lisp
  • Difficulty following or remembering instructions

For Parents:

Anna has extensive experience working closely with parents and school staff in order to establish and maintain collaborative working for the benefit of the client.

  • Joint goal setting with colleagues and writing of Educational Health Care Plans (EHCPs)
  • Training sessions for inset days at school available please contact for more details.
  • Reducing parental anxiety - Anna offers suggestions and advice to help parents understand their role in managing their child's behaviour which is communication and so in turn giving their child a voice.

For adults in work:

  • Coaching and advice*
  • Interviews, presentations, assessment centres including psychometric tests*

*Please note: these services are offered by associates. For more information visit Diverse Learners or email roger.cwalker@peopleagenda.co.uk

"I was reluctant to look into speech therapy for years, but I couldn’t be happier that I did. Anna quickly made me feel safe and helped me organise my thoughts and feelings towards my stammer. Each session gave me tons to think about and work on at my own pace. I never felt out of place or helpless.
One of my fears going in was feeling like just another patient, thankfully this could not have been further from the truth. The experience I got felt very tailored to me and my needs. I wasn’t sure what it was that I was looking for but it is safe to say that I found it

"Male in his twenties."


"I think Anna is amazing at what she does. In a few short minutes she transformed my understanding of how I should communicate with my Dyspraxic son and how I could help him to develop speech. Anna made it clear that it is important that the interactions I have with my son should be fun and enjoyable for him.."

"Anna, thank you very much for your help and kindness.."


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